After looking into the fundamentals of breast enhancement or bust enlargement, there are a lot of people who would like to know exactly what to expect before their surgery.

Preparing for Your Breast Augmentation - Preparing for Your Breast Augmentation

Prior to breast augmentation surgery, your board certified cosmetic surgeon may ask you to:

  • Get lab testing or a medical examination.
  • Take certain medications or adjust your existing medications.
  • Get a baseline mammogram prior to surgery and an additional one after surgery to help detect any future changes in the cells in your breast.
  • Stop smoking cigarettes well in advance of your breast enhancement surgery.
  • Don’t take aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs, as they can enhance blood loss.

The evening before your breast surgery, you may be instructed to:

  • Avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight
  • Bathe or wash with antibacterial soap
  • Fill your postoperative medication prescriptions.
  • Get a good nights rest.

Here are some special instructions you may get:

  • Exactly what you should do on the day of surgery.
  • Post-operative care and follow-up.
  • Breast implant pc registry papers (when required).

Your cosmetic surgeon will also discuss where your treatment will be performed. Breast enhancement surgery could be performed in a certified office-based medical center, outpatient ambulatory medical center or a healthcare facility.

You’ll need some help
If your breast enhancement is done on an outpatient basis, be sure to organize someone to drive you to and from surgery and to stay with you for a minimum of the first night following surgical treatment.

At Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics, we can arrange a recovery room for you at the Dana Hotel as well as arrange for a post-operative Nurse or Certified Nursing Assistant to stay with you.

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