What are the Risks of Breast Augmentation?


The choice to have breast enhancement surgery is very personal and you’ll have to decide if the advantages will meet your objectives and if the potential risks of breast augmentation are acceptable.

Although rare, complications and risks of breast augmentation surgery are possible. At Chicago Breast & Body Aesthetics, all our surgeons are board certified and highly trained in breast augmentation procedures with patient safety being the utmost importance. Your surgeon and patient care team will review possible complications prior to your procedure in detail including the possibility of:

  • Bleeding (hematoma).
  • Undesirable scarring.
  • Infection.
  • Poor healing of incisions.
  • Capsular contracture, which is the formation abnormal scar tissue around the implant.
  • Implant leakage or rupture.
  • Wrinkling or rippling of the skin over the implant.
  • Modifications in nipple or breast feeling, may be temporary or irreversible.
  • Fluid build-up.
  • Anesthesia complications.
  • Pain, which could continue.
  • Embolism.
  • Revision surgery.
  • Deep vein thrombosis, heart and pulmonary complications.

Breast Hematoma immediately following Breast Augmentation

Although there may be complications with any surgery as well as breast augmentation, having breast implants is not a threat to the health of the breast. Careful evaluation of clinical research performed by independent studies, such as the Institute of Medicine, have actually discovered no tested link with breast implants and autoimmune or various other systemic illness.

Other important considerations:.
Breast augmentation is not guaranteed to last a lifetime and future surgical treatment could be needed to change one or both implants.

Pregnancy, fluctuation in weight and menopause may affect the appearance of augmented busts during your life time.

Your cosmetic surgeon and/or staff will discuss in detail the risks of breast augmentation surgery. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the treatment you will go through and any complications or potential risks.

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