Dr. Anh-Tuan Truong Patient Results
Case #: 60
This patient presented with severe abdominal laxity with excess skin and bulging of the rectus muscles (diastasis) after multiple pregnancies and significant weight loss. Dr. Truong performed a full abdominoplasty with repair of the abdominal muscles, and removal of excess skin and fat, followed by re-creation of a natural-appearing belly button (umbilicoplasty). The patient is seen here 3 months post-op. Notice the complete transformation of her mid-section and body shape. The improvement can even be seen in the posterior view. The scar is easily hidden in the natural string bikini line.
- Full Tummy Tuck: with rectus muscle repair.
- Surgeon: Dr. Anh-Tuan Truong
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After 2 of 7
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After 8 of 7