It’s exciting to be a mom, but not so exciting to endure the aftermath of stretch marks. Rapid weight loss or quick growth from puberty can cause skin to stretch too quickly and too far leaving unsightly marks as well.

Some women won’t even wear a bikini and don’t enjoy shopping period. They can appear on the stomach, hips, thighs, buttocks, and even on the breasts.

Stretch marks are in fact small tears in the dermal (deeper) layer of the skin which result in linear scars.  The long scars are areas where the tissue has torn and separated become visible because the skin in that area is a different thickness.

Because the the pathophysiology of the problem is in the deep layer of the skin, the treatment for stretch marks naturally has to penetrate into that layer.

Most stretch mark treatments being advertised are creams and lotions which work on the surface of the skin and usually cannot penetrate into the dermal layer to have any significant effect.

Skin rollers and massagers can improve the look of stretch marks temporarily due to the swelling they cause, but these effects are not long-lasting as you can imagine.

There is hope, however, since now we have an FDA-approved laser treatment that is safe and effective because it actually penetrates into the dermal layer of the skin to stimulate collagen formation and re-modeling of the dermal scars.

By filling in the gaps with new collagen on the inside, this treatment can dramatically reduce the depth, color, and appearance of stretch marks on the outside.

Kim Kardashian certainly isn’t shy – she sought laser treatment about a year ago after her first baby.

Our Cynosure Icon fractional laser treatment is FDA approved and currently the best technology available to help diminish stubborn stretch marks. Creams and rollers simply cannot compare. Stretch marks can have embarrassing and psychological aspects associated with living with them.

This laser treatment is an easy 30 minute in-office treatment that is proven effective. To learn more, book your consultation.